Last additions - Galaxies |

M104 4-25-2014 8" RC1655 viewsApr 27, 2014

M101 Second light photo with the TPO 8" RC1732 viewsApr 22, 2014

M101 1580 viewsJun 26, 2012

The Leo Trio - 5-18 and 5-19 20121364 viewsMay 20, 2012

M81 5-11-2012 from Manchester using Canon 60Da1349 viewsMay 14, 2012

M101 May 9, 2010 from Manchester MI1575 viewsMay 17, 2010

M81 and 82 February 19, 20101553 viewsMar 08, 2010

M33 - The Triangulum Galaxy1613 viewsNov 09, 2009

Markarians Chain in Virgo1331 viewsMay 29, 2009

M 104 Widefield1279 viewsMay 29, 2009

1406 viewsFeb 17, 2009

1281 viewsFeb 17, 2009

1569 viewsFeb 17, 2009

1337 viewsFeb 17, 2009

1503 viewsFeb 17, 2009